Ruth, the protagonist of Swiss director Simon Jaquemet’s movie, works at an ultra-modern medical laboratory. She leads an exemplary life as a wife and mother and is deeply involved, along with her family, in the local church. But when her ex-lover gets released from prison after 20 years she suddenly has to face her troubled past. This dangerous man, as well as some suspicious scientific experiments that definitely go against Ruth’s conservative Christian values, force her to revise her feelings, emotions, opinions—her sense of reality itself, which is deeply influenced by her strong faith. The Innocent poses a series of questions about technological and societal progress and where there should be limits when it comes to interfering with human life. In addressing the subject of cloning, the director juxtaposes coolly realistic scenes with surreal elements, blurring the line between fiction and what can be considered objective truth, addressed here mostly in the context of religious dogma.
Simon Jaquemet
Simon Jaquemet
Gabriel Sandru
Judith Hofmann, Naomi Scheiber, Christian Kaiser, Thomas Schüpbach, Anna Tenta