The feature debut of popular actor Wojciech Solarz takes place in the Polish countryside, specifically in a village in the Podlasie region. The protagonist, played by Solarz himself, is a young man who spends his days at a lookout point trying to spot any predators roaming the area. To his surprise, one night he sees a window moving around on one of the houses. The same thing happens a day later—the wandering windows always appear in the same place at night. Highly intrigued by this strange phenomenon, he tries to make sense of it—like a kind of riddle. To his surprise, it has a lot to do with him personally. Solarz’s charming film is a heart-warming snapshot of small-town Poland; a down-to earth, unpretentious film that doesn’t strain to be a great cinematic masterpiece. Windows, Windows draws inspiration from the poetic imagery of magical realism; it’s the kind of film that has you leaving the theater with a smile on your face.
Wojciech Solarz
Wojciech Solarz
Tomasz Nowak
Karim Martusewicz
Wojciech Solarz, Sebastian Stankiewicz, Robert Jarociński, Janusz Onufrowicz, Zuzanna Grabowska