This semi-autobiographical film by Israeli actor, writer and director Yona Rozenkier tells the story of three brothers who have to forget their differences and ongoing conflicts to fulfil their late father’s final wish—to have his ashes placed in an underwater cave by his three sons. Yoav, an ex-military man suffering from PTSD, returns home to his kibbutz where he has to face his older, domineering brother Itaic, a patriotic soldier convinced that he’s doing the right thing by serving his country. Their younger brother Avi is about to be sent off to Lebanon, but starts to wonder whether he made the right choice. Rozenkier deconstructs the myth of rigid and unyielding masculinity and subverts the macho man ideal that so strongly impacts all of his characters. The Dive, his feature debut, poses bold questions about loyalty to your country and your family; it questions received notions about what it means to be a man in the modern world and weighs their human cost.
Oded Ashkenazi
Yona Rozenkier
Yona Rozenkier, Yoel Rozenkier, Micha Rozenkier, Miki Marmur, Daniel Sabag