The feature debut by Swiss director Hannes Baumgartner is inspired by the true story of a mysterious man running around the streets of Zurich at night. Jonas Widmer (a great performance by Max Hubacher) is one of the top runners in the country: he’s preparing to compete in the Olympics. His days are full of rigorous, exhausting training sessions. He has a job as a cook and seems quite happy with his long-term girlfriend, but unexpectedly dark memories of his late brother start to haunt him. Jonas starts running after dark and robbing women even as he throws himself passionately into his sport. Baumgartner creates a precise and calculated portrait of his character’s dark and ambiguous nature. The movie depicts this seemingly perfect “good boy” as a complex, multi-layered character who is also harsh and lacking in basic human emotion. The viewer is helplessly drawn into a fascinating and seductive underworld that lingers in the mind long after the credits stop rolling.
Hannes Baumgartner
Hannes Baumgartner, Stefan Staub
Gaetan Varone
Max Hubacher, Annina Euling, Luna Wedler, Christophe Sermet, Sylvia Rohrer